Monthly Archives: July 2017

Our English Village

There is no place more enchanting than a quaint English village. My mom is over from the states to visit, and we were able to get out while the weather was nice this week to explore our village and take a few photos. Our village is dotted with some absolutely beautiful homes, a cricket club, public footpaths, and a 14th century Saxon church. Around every corner is something new to discover, and with just over 1000 people living in the village, it’s the sort of place where you’ll meet a neighbor out in their garden and…

VitalityMove Chatsworth 10K

What a day! I drove myself to Chatsworth House, up in the Peak District in Derbyshire, to do the VitalityMove 10K. I left exhausted, sunburnt, and so happy! As I mentioned in my last blog post, goal-setting has been a big priority for me. I’ve never run a 10K (that’s 6.2 miles for my American friends), and when I saw that there was a run up at Chatsworth, I had to do it for the beautiful scenery. [Side note: while I’ve run tons of 5Ks, half-marathons, and even finished a full…

Surviving Homesickness as an Expat

Real talk: Life in England hit its low point this past month. Homesickness gripped me in its vice, and the [insert expletive here] kitchen is still not completed, which is affecting the entire rest of the house – and my peace of mind. “Feeling settled” is definitely not how I would describe my emotional state. Let me back up for a bit. I have never been homesick in my life. I’ve been to stay-away summer camps, been abroad for a month at a time, and even went to university without a stitch of homesickness. I…